Day 158 Double minded

I believe all of us have the tendency to be double minded.

But first what is being double minded.

In GotQuestions (, double minded describes a person who has two minds/souls or in short, DOUBTER.

In the Bible, Christians are called to one mindness like the mind of Christ which means we SHOULD NOT BE A DOUBTER/DOUBLE MINDED PERSON.

Personally, I am struggling. Have you got into some point, you are observing this thing or was thinking about that but suddenly you get to think the opposite of it. It’s like your mind has become playful in a sense it imagines the “antonym” of things. Like for instance, I was thinking about Lord Jesus Christ. Since it started with a letter “L”, my mind suddenly correlates it with lucifer. And for me that is very disturbing as if I have double minded moments. And in reality, I can’t stop it because it just pops like that. And this a huge challenge for me to constantly focus my mind always on heavenly matters without thinking too much of its correlated word or antonym. 

But sometimes there are moments where in my mind is so terrifically peaceful/ shallom. Where in I don’t get distracted or lose my focus/attention on the good, heavenly and positive things.

So are you a double minded person? All of us are in a process of transformation. Even if I have been born again Christian for few years, it is a huge duty of a Christian to never lose focus or never forget what Lord Jesus Christ is to everyone.

Have a nice evening!

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